
Showing posts from October, 2023

66 years old man -Swelling of both lower limbs

General Medicine. 19th August, 2023  Case scenario.       Hi I Mogili Julia Spencer 3rd bds student, this is an online e log book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.    Case history:   Patient details:      A 66 yr old male, occupation by farmer, a resident of cherlapally, presented with chief complaints of             Complains of swelling of both the lower limbs till knee since 1 month. History of present illness:      Patient was apparently asymptomatic till 1 month ago, then developed swelling of both lower limbs which is pitting type .    Also associated with slurring of speech.   Not associated with facial puffiness.     History of past illness:     Known complaint of hypertension since 30yrs And on medication.  Diabetes: no  Asthma: no  Epilepsy: no  Tuberculosis: no  CVA: hemeparasis which is resolved 6 yrs ago. Personal History:  Occupation: farmer  Appetite: normal Diet : nixed Bowel :