
30 yrs old male with Fever and chills

  25th August,2023 Case scenario,       Hi I'm Mogili Julia Spencer of 3rd bds here by making an elog book to discuss my patient health data, after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. Case history:      Patient details:             A 30yr old male, resident of palle Presented with the chief complaint of,    Fever since 10 days    Headache since 10 days   Drowsiness since  a week History of present illness:   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10days ago and then developed fever of High grade type intermittent associated with chills and rigors and headache.  known complaint of vomitings which are projectile in nature  History of past illness:   Known case of seizures, involved in right upper limb , no loss of consciousness. Not a known case of hypertension Not a known case of tuberculosis Not a known case of asthma Not a known case of diabetes mellitus Known case of epilepsy Personal History:  Occupation: shop keeper Appetite: norma

66 years old man -Swelling of both lower limbs

General Medicine. 19th August, 2023  Case scenario.       Hi I Mogili Julia Spencer 3rd bds student, this is an online e log book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.    Case history:   Patient details:      A 66 yr old male, occupation by farmer, a resident of cherlapally, presented with chief complaints of             Complains of swelling of both the lower limbs till knee since 1 month. History of present illness:      Patient was apparently asymptomatic till 1 month ago, then developed swelling of both lower limbs which is pitting type .    Also associated with slurring of speech.   Not associated with facial puffiness.     History of past illness:     Known complaint of hypertension since 30yrs And on medication.  Diabetes: no  Asthma: no  Epilepsy: no  Tuberculosis: no  CVA: hemeparasis which is resolved 6 yrs ago. Personal History:  Occupation: farmer  Appetite: normal Diet : nixed Bowel :

A 55 year old female patient -accident case

 GM CASE -2 Hello, I am M.Julia Spencer .This is an online blog book to discuss our patient’s health data after taking his/her consent .This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. Case sheet- A 55 year old female patient (accident case) CHIEF COMPLAINT:- The patient had come with a complaint of pain in the hip and groin region since the last 20 days There’s slight pain felt even in the wrist  Accompanied with shoulder pain General weakness HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:- The patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days ago . She had met with an accident where she got hit by a bus (not severe) . Since the incident she had been facing severe pain in the shoulder and wrist region  Swelling is seen in the area of injury after 3 days of the incident  Along with that pain .the patient had complained about severe pain in the hip region since 10 days. Due to which it’s difficult for the patient to sit or stand for a longer duration. The patient visited a local clinic on the d

15 year old male :-symptoms of vomiting and stomach ache

 GM CASE 1  Feb13 2023 Hi im M.Julia Spencer .this is an online blog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent .This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio CASE SHEET:15 YEARS OLD male vomiting with stomach ache CHIEF COMPLAINTS:vomiting with severe stomach ache since 4 days  fatigue since the symptoms have arised  no fever nor diarrhea dehydration HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: since 4-5 days the patient have been complaining about severe stomach ache and theres no radiation of the pain no diarrhea .passed normal to semi solid stools the symptoms arised since the patient had eaten outside food PAST HISTORY: NIL ASSOCIATED DISEASES;NIL FAMILY HISTORY:NIL DRUG:  IV NS RL metrogyl inj PAN 1 amp inj ZOFER  GENERAL EXAMINATION: pallor:no icterus:no cyanosis:no clubbing:no lymphadenopathy:no edema:no VITALS temperature:98.2 pulse:90 PROVISINAL DIAGNOSIS:Food poisioning (due to bacterial infection:salmonella or Ecoli) Q/A 1.if theres no diarrhoea wou